I love Netflix. I really do. A few years ago we decided to just do it, since I am horrible about returning movies. We got on the plan where you get two at a time. It works out great and yes I forget to send them back sometimes for a month. This isn't a big deal, except that then I don't get my next movie for awhile.
So the hubby and I started watching some TV show that is a regular series on showtime. You can watch movies from their website in real time on your computer, or connect it to your xbox and watch it from there too. We hook it up to the xbox. We have gotten into some series that we are hooked on now. Jason and I really do not watch a lot of regular TV. If we watch anything it's usually a movie, so this is nice! The problem is I no longer have time to watch the series with school. I am always so busy. The series? Dexter. Yes we are totally in love with it. I realize it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea but I love odd, crazy, dark things when it comes to movies. I like scary movies. This isn't so much scary as really creepy. It's good though. (To me!)
Yesterday Lexi (my oldest) went to a birthday party with a friend. This group of girls went to a hair place where they did hair and "light" makeup. They then went to see a movie. We took my mom out to eat at a great place with some awesome food and all my remaining 3 ladies had a great time. Gabbi was an angel. There was an incident that was kind of shocking/funny.
When we got into the restaurant the waitress brought us our menus and one blob of homemade play-dough with a single crayon stuck upward in it. I thought it unusual but let Gabbi play with the crayon and taught her to sort of squish the play-dough. She did ok but then tried to take a bite of it so I took it away. Even if it is nontoxic, number one it's GROSS, number two I don't know the ingredients and she has a milk allergy.
Anyway so the waitress had also left all of our menus in a disorganized pile on our table. We separated the drink menus from the regular menus and I handed them out. I gave my girls their menus. I had asked for a high chair but I noticed the waitress was walking around doing other things. I sat Gabbi in a regular chair and waited.
The waitress came back and asked how we were and I told her I needed that high chair. She just stated "OH!" Then she went to get it. A while later she came back with some more blobs of play-dough and handed one to my older daughters then I told her "Well this one liked it(talking about Gabbi), but she started to eat it so I took it away." The waitress then proceeded to smile and say "Ooooh that's nice" while handing her a brand new blob to play with. Seriously. I looked very confused and looked up, eyes locking with the family at the table next to us. They were all looking at me and looking at the waitress like she was seriously mentally absent. haha The mother at the next table smiled and kind of winked at me as my mouth hung open. I knew this waitress mentally was not in the room. She was thinking about something else and her mind was definitely not on her job. There is no way she actually heard what I said. If she did then she shouldn't be working as a waitress. Anyway I just took away the play-dough instantly and kind of laughed it off. The family at the other table seemed to be cracking up about it as much as we were.
Would you have said something to the waitress? I just took it away from her and figured it wasn't worth wasting my breath.