I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Celebration. My husband and I went out and had a wonderful time with my sister, her husband and another couple who are good friends of ours. We stopped at Applebees and had some appetizers and drinks. I had a delicious Caramel Appletini. I always wanted to try an appletini since I saw Emeril Aggassi make one. I think that's how you spell his name by the way. Not quite positive. I love watching cooking shows. When I was sick I really did watch them all the time. I couldn't eat, so I watched others cook and eat. Sounds so funny to me now. I could only stomach a bite or two before I got sick to my stomach. I really love Paula Deen, Rachel Ray, Bobby Flay. They are my favorites. I love watching Iron Chef and that Throw Down one with Bobby Flay. Good stuff!
I promised pictures but unfortunately took two pics all night. I did not end up taking my camera into the places we went. It was SOOO cold out! Check out these two pics of my husband and I and my sister Cindi and my husband. She bought the same coat I have. I am very flattered she liked it! It's a really comfy warm coat.

You all look so cute and like you are having a ball! I love the white coat and wish I had one too. Happy New Year and best wishes!!
Found you through twitter moms and your title caught my eye. What a journey you have been on, and what an amazing blessing to see that sweet, healthy baby girl. WOW!!
How fun. We stayed in as usual, but we are much older than you. Just enjoy these special moments.
Have a terrific New Year Sandi. Big hug. :)
Glad you had a great New Year's! Hope 2009 is your best year yet!
Glad you had a great New Year's! Hope 2009 is your best year yet!
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