Why not? There are a ton out there and this being a health blog I figured I'd mention it. First and foremost I do believe in respecting others. How? First of all I wash my hands. (Not to mention I just like to be clean) I cover a sneeze or cough. I stay away from people if I am sick. It's just a common courtesy. It's the people with weakened immune systems that will get the worst of this. Like those with cancer.
I have been in remission now for over a year. My doctor told me my blood tests would never give anyone a clue I ever had cancer. I am no different than anyone else. That's very reassuring. I have read things about immune systems never being the same after Hodgkin's Disease. I think I'll just go with what my docs says.
This post is not to talk really about the swine flu or how you need to panic because I truly believe there is no need to panic. I worry when it comes to my kids but I'll be honest. I worry at the thought of my kids catching ANY sickness...or any flu. I remember a couple of years ago a lot of kids died from a particular strain of flu going around. I was pretty scared then. I am less scared now than I was at that time. But I do have a baby...and I am not far out of remission so I do try to be careful. This post is to ask others to be considerate. If you feel sick, stay home. Trust me, no one wants you at work right now. No one wants your children at school. No one will question you right now. Take advantage of it. Seriously, we must protect others with the weakened immune systems. I do believe if the proper precautions are taken we can minimize the number of people who are seriously ill from this flu.
Excellent advice Sandi. We should always be considerate to others if we are sick. Often it's not the case though.
Have a terrific day and weekend. :)
So you don't send you kids to school with 121 degree fever? grrrrrrrr I hate that.
The Avian flu was a few years ago that might be what ur talking about in Asia.
Hopefully this will soon be under control like that one. One of my twitter people put up a link that said 41 diagnosed in Illinois.
i totally agree with you.. All precautions should not be taken lightly and being considerate towards others is a must...
Absolutely! I always error on the side or caution when sending Boog to school. I'm not quick to rush him to the doctor but prevent him from giving his germs to the other kids even though I know that's usually where he gets it.
Excellent advice, thanks for the post!
I agree that there is no need to panic but we should also take precautions seriously. I just hope that this will be soon under control.
I so agree with you! I border on OCD on the hand washing and "hand stuff" as my kids have named it:) I hope the swine flu quickly passes.
Have a great weekend!
I know a lot of people are upset with the scaremongering the news is doing, which is very true. But it's important to get the information out there, so people are informed, to PREVENT this becoming any sort of serious problem. People have brushed warnings off because potential pandemics in the past... SARS, bird flu... haven't affected them. But if that happens again - it's all over the media and then doesn't turn out to be a big event - that's really what we want. Scaremongering is wrong in this situation, but taking precautions and being aware is extremely important, to keep this potential danger from getting worse.
Good advice all the way around, from being considerate to not panicking. Stay healthy.
This is so true Sandi, because there are some who would force themselves to go to school/ work and would endlessly complain of them not feeling well. :(
Have a great day! :)
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