I am hosting a benefit for my father coming up on December 19th. This is the flyer I have been posting. I created it with Microsoft Word then wanted to get it online so I converted it to a PDF file and uploaded it to the Adobe Acrobat site. It comes in better there, but takes a while to load. Unfortunately I have not been able to upload the new updated flyer there. The site isn't working properly. So I found this other site and uploaded it there. I am really anxious about this benefit. I want there to be a good turnout. My dad means so much to me. I know he would hate to be the center of attention. However we cannot sit idly by while he gets sicker and sicker and his medical bills get higher and higher. My dad has always run the home so this situation leaves my mother very confused about what to do or even how to do it. My sisters and I are hoping to take that burden off her shoulders during this very hard time. Please for John! We still do not know what is wrong with him.
Good JuJu for your dad and I hope your turnout is spectacular.
Praying for your daddy, hugs!
Hey. Hope the turnout is fantastic. Do you have a paypal we could donate a few $$$'s to to do our bit?
This is nice an excellent amazing blog post, Great work..
well its already past....19th.....and very happy that so many people care........wishing best of luck....\,,,/
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