Check out the video of her singing!

I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma just 2 weeks after learning I was pregnant with my fourth child. I was able to have chemotherapy while I was pregnant, deliver a healthy baby and eventually graduate from Nursing School. Class of December 2011! I am now 13 years in remission and my little girl Gabbi is 13 old. This blog tells our story.
Wow Sandi she is a very good singer. Congrats on her winning second place. You must feel very proud.
I second Bill!
I NEVER watch vids on folks blogs but that was awesome. She rocked it! That song came on today and ummmmmm it ain't on my best of 8 track but the kids were in the car and my daughter said daddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and turned it back so she could sing it.
Anyway tell her she rocks and I said so and I haven't been wrong since the late 70's!
Your daughter sounds wonderful! Congratulations to her and you. You must be so proud!
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