You know, after you go through something like this you see everything in a different light. I mean everything. First it was my first Thanksgiving in remission and now Christmas is upon us. It's so hard this year financially for everyone I know. I even just realized that we have a salt shortage this year for the icy roads. I hear the sirens go off several times a day from the fire department and I know it's an accident. I just know it. I realized last night while making a trip to get Gabriella some formula that the roads had been plowed but no salt at all. This makes a huge difference. You slide and slip. It's scary and I guarantee I won't be driving on it much. Normally around here they are salting the roads just at the storm warning. I usually feel fairly safe. Last night it was blowing and drifting right into the roads. We made it home safe. That's what matters!
I have another miraculous story about Gabbi's life that I am not sure I've filled anyone in on. I think about it sometimes. For all the bad things I remember that I must have a guardian angel just sitting on my shoulder waiting to protect us. The day I checked out of the hospital we were so excited. I put Gabbi in her cute little teddy bear snowsuit and got her all ready to go. I got wheeled out and we were on our way. We had our little one in the vehicle and we were on our way home. It was a good drive because at the time we lived 2 hours away. I had been taken by Life Flight to that hospital. Anyway we were driving down the busy 4 lanes and my husband decided we need to stop at ATM and get money so he slowed down to make a right hand turn. As he did this the car at that turn pulled out right in front of us. If we hadn't of slowed down we'd have slammed into him. The SUV behind us didn't like us slowing down I suppose so started to slam the gas and pass us on the left, which they do have the right to do except that he slammed into the car that pulled out in front of us. There was a truck also in the far lane waiting to turn to go into the same place as us. He was just sitting there waiting but when the SUV hit the car, the car flew right into the truck. It was a 3 car pileup literally feet from my window where I was sitting by Gabbi. I saw car chunks flying up in the air. It was a serious shock and we called 911. I hoped everyone was OK. Seriously...what are the chances? I need to give my guardian angel a raise.
That's quite a milestone worth celebrating, Sandi!
Congratulations, and here's hoping for many more!
WONDERFUL NEWS~!!!!...you and your beautiful Gabby DO have many many guardian angels...always an inspiration...blessing, blessings...
Hi Sandi,
Wow there was definetly an Angel protecting all of you. I have a book on Angels, there is a section with true stories. A women was driving and started to slide of a bridge. Somehow she stopped. When people came to her car, 12 of them asked where her passanger was. She said I did not have passanger, I was alone. They all told her they saw someone in the seat next to her. I posted another award for you on my blog. You bring inspiration to me and everyone who visits your blog.
Take Care,
Janet :)
Man, that's a scary story you retold about your trip home with Gabbi. I thank God we have guardian angels and I know you do too. Congratulations on your first Christmas in remission. :)
when was your foto taken?? You look absolutely gorgeous!
Oh my that is quite an narrow escape. I too hope every one in the accident is okay and I am very glad you were not involved.
Enjoy this first (Lord willing) of many Christmas' in remission.
Shrav, thank you. I have a few photos on here. The one with Gabbi at the top of this page would have been like last December. The one with my curly hair was earlier this summer and the one I use here on blogger with my pose and short hair was probably around May. Thanks again :)
I just found your blog and I am so please to hear you are in remission. My father had non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, remission for 15 years and then it came back, remission again. You have so much grace. I'm so glad I found your blog. J
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