'll be the first to admit, I have no idea what this holiday is truly about. It's something to do with a St. So I am guessing it's of Catholic origin. All I really know is that if you don't wear green, you might get pinched. My eyes are green so I feel I should be exempt from this rule.
Yesterday was my oldest daughter's 12th birthday. I cannot believe I have a daughter that old. It's the first time I think my daughter's age made ME seem older. Really I never thought twice about it. She's a great help around the house and especially with Gabriella. She is a little mother to her. I think it's such a great life lesson to be able to do all the things for her, such as diaper changing and bottle feeding. It's really nice to have a chance to learn that stuff. I did when I was 12. My parents gave me a new sister at that age as well.
That's not where it ends though. My second born turned 9 yesterday. So we had some friends over and served some cake and opened gifts. They had a really good time. We got Mikayla her first cell phone! It's a pay as you go kind of thing but oh boy does she feel all grown up. We had been so hesitant about the cell phone with our older daughter, but it's actually been really convenient. I like to always know I can get a hold of my girls. They like to play with the kids in the neighborhood a lot so I like them having a phone.
They had a good day and I snapped a few shots of the party. I thought I'd share of course. It's what I do! :)
Lexi and Neighbor Girl

you are really gorgeous =) happy birthday to your kids!!! =)i think they enjoyed it very much....=) did you watched my daughter dancing? =)
yes I watched her dancing. It was very cute. I liked the video. :) Thank you so much for the compliment too.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Mikayla,
Happy Birthday to you.
You and yours have a terrific St. Patrick's Day. :)
Hi friend.. Interesting post.. Nice blog work.. keep it up..
will drop by your site often.. Do find time to visit my blog and post your comments..
Have a great day.. Cheers!!!
Sounds like a wonderful day. I'm sure your girls had a wonderful b-day. I think every parent has the baby with spaghetti picture and I love to see them. Thanks for sharing this special day.
Happy Birthday to all of you :)
Oh How sweet is the spaghetti all over Gabriella's little face :)
Awwww...Happy Birthday to your daughter and Happy St. Patrick's day to you and your entire family.
I had no clue either but Polly from England has the details and they are quite fascinating.
I can't remember her address but she's the first one listed under the category of mixed bag at EC!!
I am so glad they backed off and decided not to force us to run adds.
It's good to be back!! And Jes is right. you are very beautiful!!:-)))
What great pics. and a lovely family!!
Happy Birthday!! :)
What a great time!
But who's birthday was it really? You said it was yesterday for both Mikayla and your 9 year old daughter.
BTW, St. Patrick is indeed a Catholic saint. He is THE saint in Ireland. He is credited for driving out all the serpents in Ireland, I think. And that sounds more figurative than literal. But the Irish have changed the day to what is most important to them, the color green and drinking their fool heads off! I'm surprised there isn't some traditional fighting in there as well! Ha!
Happy birthday to your daughter Sandi. Also Happy St Patties day. Did you were your green? If not i will have to pinch you LOL just kidding
Thanks Bill! I wore no green! I actually have green eyes so I always just use that excuse :)
St. Patrick's Day is my brother's birthday too...we always celebrate with corned beef & cabbage and green beer...when we were kids, it was green 7-up
Such a cute family! Looks like everyone had a very Happy Birthday!
What a cute cake!
Hapy birthday to your daughters Sandi! I love birthdays too.
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