Back on topic here, my appointments were rescheduled from April 22th to May 8th. We had to do this since the doctor was going to be out that day and really we need our appointments for Friday so that the kids don't miss a lot of school. It's such a long drive there and back. The day will be a long one. We start with the ECHO at 11 a.m., the CAT scan following immediately at 12:00 p.m. and then I see my oncologist at 2:00 p.m. I am pretty anxious. I haven't had any scans since the last PET scan that was clear. On paperwork I am great. I want to maybe see why I still have occasional pressure in my neck/throat. I hate it and I suppose it may just be something I need to get used to. I hope it's just the thyroid though and it can be taken care of. It's minor and comes and goes but the pressure is there. Now I have to try and NOT stress too much before May 8th!! I am nervous and anxious but at the same time so happy because I am really thinking it could be the peace of mind I need.
Not only this but on May 1st the college of nursing I applied to is selecting the students that are accepted that day! I am so anxious! I hope I get in and I also hope I find out that week at least who got accepted. They take 90 students per semester. Wish me luck!
Now ending on a funny note. My 9 year old just interrupted this post to ask me if I ever snuck my cell phone to school in my pocket as a kid and I had the displeasure of telling her cellphones did not exist when I was a little girl. All she could repeatedly say was "Oh my gosh. I had no idea they didn't exist. That's just.....weird!"
That's funny about the phone. They just don't get it do they. I bet it made you feel OLD too.
Love the cell phone bit. I can relate.
I showed a good friend an old photo of me the other day. It was taken when I was 21 (cell phones wouldn't be around for another couple of decades). I realized that that photo was taken 3 YEARS before she was born!!!
I felt really old!
Love your blog, been here several times to catch up.
ehheeh cute! i have a tag for you http://ishiethan.blogspot.com
I'm wishing you success on both fronts.
Kids...they just don't get it. They will later, but now everything about you as a little girl is weird.
Have a terrific day honey. :)
First, so funny about her reaction to the cell phone thing!
I wish you much luck with acceptance to nursing school! How exciting :)
I also hope that things go well for you with all the doctor stuff. I know how it feels to have to travel so far to see your specialists but I wouldn't trade them either!!
Oh, What is this? Cat person?
Health informationHumor & Fun World
omg, i feel so old. The small cellphones didnt appear till i was 17.
I love the reaction of your 9-year old about the cell phone thing. Well, it's indeed unimaginable if we do look behind us.... just look at the historic edifices that are still standing still... build with mostly barehands before... It's difficult to imagine now but it is true.
I hope all your tests go well and come back clear.
What a drive. Hope that goes smooth too.
It is actually miraculous escape for your baby.Please see http://clinispot.blogspoy.com
Wishing you lots of luck with acceptance and praying for great news on your tests. You are an inspiration to many I am sure.
Too funny about the phone....remember the "bag phone" and then the super long tan one with the big black antenna:)
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