Yesterday I looked out the window and saw snow. Illinois is strange like that. Some years I won't even see a flake until January and some years we'll get a lot as early as November. I didn't believe it when my daughter told me. Simply because we just came out of October and that does seem to soon for snow. It was 76 degrees just a few days ago. So what is up with the snow? I kind of like it. But I also remember what it looks like when it gets huge and the plows get to it. Dark, muddy and wet. Yes, snow loses it's beauty once it's touched. I am however kind of looking forward to the holidays. I think because it will be the first Gabriella is old enough to enjoy. She was just a month old last year. This will be a fun Christmas. Her birthday is in just 9 days! I am so excited my miracle baby is almost one! She's so big. She pulled into a standing position this week and clearly said "I did it!" Now it was clear to ME but no one else heard it. I was alone. I have been trying to get her to do it for everyone else but she doesn't seem to want to. Finally my daughter Mikayla heard it. Now we look like nerds trying to get her to do it again. What is it about babies that turns us into goofs? I am going to include another pic of Gabbi when she was a teeny tiny baby. I love looking at these just before her big day!

aww, she's beautiful!!!
What a cutie pie. They sure do grow up rapidly though. I so remember. Have a great weekend and enjoy the snow. :)
Awww, what a cute little one you got there, you are truly blessed and loved by GOD.
a very big awwwwwww...what an angel you have!!!! blessings, blessings...
OMG! That is a beautiful pic of Gabbi. She is really special. Now do me a favor and keep the snow in IL. I don't want any of that stuff up here in MI.
Hi. She looks really cute in Santa!
Here doesn´t snow at all, only in north Portugal.
A good Sunday.
She is such a sweetie! I love tiny babies at christmas in their little outfits! There are so many cute outfits for tiny babies! I think I bought that same outfit or similar for my friend's baby. She was born Dec 1.
Sandi, lovely picture.. I love snow too, the way it wraps everything in a magical carpet of white.. enjoy your 1st xmas with Gabriella, these are such special times..
Thank you all for the comments. Yes she looks so tiny and cute in that outfit. The little shoes it came with were way too big. I'll have to find her a new cute outfit for christmas this year!
She is beautiful and Happy early birthday to her! I have enjoyed readng your blog...You are inspirational!
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