Do you ever have a day when you feel stressed for absolutely no reason. You notice you have this uneasy feeling but no real cause. I've had that feeling today. I think it's probably just my hectic life and running in all directions. I have so much on my mind. I have a million things to get done. It seems overwhelming sometimes. Now with the holidays coming up there is that much more on my mind. Still I can't relate the stressed feeling back to any one specific thing. I think it also has something to do with how much coffee I consume. Seriously I get anxious when I drink just a tad too much. I have to be pretty careful. Top that off with my regular cups of diet pepsi and we're in a lot of over caffeinated trouble! haha I have been buying some caffeine free generic lately. It's not as good as my diet pepsi but I think I'm just ever so slightly addicted to the carbonation. I need to break the habit. Now, if only I could figure out how.
I am addicted to diet coke. Let me know when you figure out how to break the habit!
I'm addicted to pepsi!!! just sucks!!! here is an idea: do you like iced Tea? I love it!! maybe you could substitute the pepsi with the tea? I do that sometimes but I need to do it all the time now!!! it's a lot less calories!! and a good way to get in your water if you are like me and don't like to drink just water. Just an idea, and who knows maybe you don't like iced tea!?
excellent posts.
very deep and they get me to think about my own family.
keep writting.
I need more caffeine. LOL, Not enough hours in the day to sleep it seems. Keep up the good work here on your blog. I may not respond much, but I am reading.
Sorry, I am a caffeine enabler. It doesn't make me anxious...that's what work is for.
woohoo another diet Pepsi lover! I really, really try to kick this habit and wish I had the answer. If you discover it please let me know!
first time here... I'm a coffee drinker. I am very much aware of the effect of caffeine...
but honestly, without coffee, i'll be more stressed and depressed. so i'd rather drink coffee. at least i know where it's coming from ;)
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