She is getting so big by the way. She's not walking quite yet. I think she will be before too long though. She really talks a lot and screams in the highest pitch you've ever heard. It's a little hard on the ears but I love every minute. She thinks it's pretty hilarious actually. Her favorite show is still Yo Gabba Gabba. I have seen it a bit more now and honestly though it's very odd it does teach her things. It shows them all sorts of good morals and teaches her about all kinds of things. I don't mind the occasional tv show. It helps too when I have no choice but to cook dinner or help one of her sisters with their homework.
I got a pretty big award and I am excited about it. I put my name in and I was selected as the winner at this site: Please stop over and visit. I am going to have a spot over there once I get my ad to her. I hope you'll all take a look. I hope I'm back for good now even though I have the laptop issues and for some reason the entrecard problems. I have no idea what to do about it. I can only say I'll be here as much as possible and drop as much as I can as well. Here is my award!

Congratulations and very well done!!! I am so pleased that you won - you really deserve it. Now raise your glass and celebrate - cheers to you! :)
Congratulations to you! :)
This is a very uplifting blog, please continue to share and thanks for the stories you have!
Hey I was just wondering if she's talking! :) Cute. Sorry about your laptop. Hope thats fixed up soon!
Congrats on the award and enjoy the snow!
I'm giving you a little baby one right now...uh...when you get around to it. I decided to post all my tags and awards at the end of each month from here on out.
Congratulations on the blog award :) Your baby girl doing the screech and giggle made me laugh. My six year old still does goofy stuff like that, definitely an entertainer. Hope your computer issues can be fixed soon!
Congrats on another award!!
Congrats to you!
Glad to have found your blog!
Congratulations on the Award. What a sweetie Gabbi is.
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